Front Landscaping Request FormHiddenProject*Which project is this form for? ( Hidden Field ) The Patch Harriott Octave HiddenLot Post ID this is a quick way to access the Post ID of this exact lot rather then a complicated method of finding the ID of the lot post by searching by lot_no /^ project slug.HiddenOffer Salesforce ID Lot Number*Select Lot Number106111112DividerApplicant's DetailsThe Applicant is the main customer contact for this application. Do not use the builder's details.Applicant's Name* First name Last name Applicant's Email* Applicant's Mobile*Front LandscapingPreferred garden choice Relaxed Coastal Garden Colourful Cottage Garden Bold Contemporary Garden Bush Garden Please upload your Certification of OccupancyMax. file size: 20 MB.By submitting this application I acknowledge That the site is ready for landscaping to be installed I've read and agree to the terms and conditions* Terms and Conditions: The package excludes driveways, side boundary fencing and any paving. These items, as well as completion of construction, removal of all rubbish, rubble and vegetation, provision of a level grade, a clear path free of obstructions and a conduit under the driveway for any future irrigation are to be completed by the owner prior to landscaping works. The package excludes footpaths, turf to footpaths/nature strip, letterbox, outdoor lighting, fencing, driveway, letterboxes or any maintenance of the landscaping after completion. The artists illustrations in the landscape brochure show indicative gardens. These have been provided to assist purchasers to choose a garden type. The actual garden layout and plants will vary subject to the home design, size and availability of plants. The Landscaping Offer is Subject to terms and conditions as set out in the contract of sale.Completed landscaping forms with occupancy permits (Completed Forms) must be submitted by 31 March 2025 for installation scheduling commencing October. Completed Forms submitted after this date will fall into the next round of installations which will commence scheduling after 31st March 2025. The developer reserves all rights to change submission cut off dates and commencement dates in its absolute discretion. Δ